Soda Pen Instructions

Soda Pen Instructions
**Free Digital Download.**
Two-page downloadable PDF instruction guide.
If you like free things, check out this other free download.
If you’re into textures check out AP Edges.
If you re like me, you love lettering and gritty textures. A few years back, I discovered Ruling pens. They produced amazingly expressive marks. The only problem is they cost anywhere from $35-$70 a pen. That was a little steep for me. I used to joke and say that soda pens were a “poor man’s ruling pen.” With soda pens, I could make as many as I wanted and experiment with different angles and what marks I could make with minimal expenses. I put this guide together to show you how to build your own and try out some blades I’ve tried over the years. I hope you have a blast creating the most expressive lettering and marks possible.
In this two-page document, you’ll learn how to make a Soda Pen. A valuable tool to add to your lettering and illustration arsenal. The first page shows the steps to create the nibs and assembly. The second a few alternative shapes to try out. These are also called cola pens and folded pens. They are homemade types of ruling pens with infinite options on style and use. Useful in creating expressive and gestural lettering. Also diverse enough of a tool to use with illustration work, think about channeling Ralph Steadman’s drips and splatters.
Watch me make one.
Took the opportunity to sit down with my friend Lauren Rubin to make one of these on a live stream. Feel free to check it out on Youtube.
I can’t wait to see what you create.
Once you get cranking with pens, please post your creations to Instagram. While you’re at it, tag me (@iamreedicus), so I can see what you’re making. There are so many possibilities and places to go with these tools. I’m sure you’ll put these pens to use in new and incredible ways. You’ll find a colored and black-and-white version to save you some ink.